5th & 6th Class

September News

A very big welcome back to everyone! Things have been busy in 5th and 6th  class and it feels like we've never been away! Here's a few things we've been up to in September:

We got paired with our infant buddies. At buddy time, we get to do an art activity together and we look forward to it every week!  We are making sure to look after our buddies at yard time too and be great role models for them.

In SESE, we have been learning all about looking after the environment. We learned about renewable and non renewable energy and created our own inventions using renewable energy. We also made our own eco homes out of recyclable materials in groups. This was super fun and our ideas were so creative. We spoke about the importance of recycling and composting and carried out an experiment to see which materials decay the quickest in soil. It is interesting to record our findings. 

In art we drew one point perspective drawings of our names. This was tricky as you had to be very precise with your ruler. We also looked at the work of Andy Goldsworthy who creates art in nature and we got the chance to create our own art out of sticks, leaves and rocks in the garden. We also printed using leaves to create beautiful paintings of autumnal wreaths.  

In English, we have learned all about famous inventors. We used ipads to research an inventor of our choice. We got lots of information online and then wrote about our inventor. We did two drafts of our writing to ensure it was the best standard. They all turned out great! We all learned a lot from each other like the inventor of marshmallows, Roblox and even homework! 

We started our Cycle Safety course this month too. Our first session was learning about theory in relation to cycling and the importance of helmets. We then went outside on our bikes and practiced indicating left and right at turns and stopping quickly. We are really enjoying ourselves and it is great to spend our Wednesdays outdoors!

Some of the Fifth and Sixth class students decided to run for student council this year. Each of them prepared a speech and shared their visions for the school. The students put in so much effort into their speeches and it was great to hear new ideas. The student council representatives for 5th and 6th class are Matthew, Kiva, Isabella, Emily and Tristán. Congratulations everybody!

Finally, to celebrate completing our first month back to school we went to see the play 'Grace' by Jody O'Neill in the Pavillion Theatre. We had a great time!