1st & 2nd Class

Summer News

1st and 2nd Class received an amazing 1500 dojo points altogether! Wow! As a prize, they got to watch The Mitchells Vs the Machines

By Sarah C

Active Week

During Active Week, we did lots of fun things like rugby and playball. At the end of Active Week, we had a water fight, slip ‘n slide and some games for the people who didn’t want to get wet. That is Active Week.

By Oisín, Hans & Elliott

International Day

For International Day we learned about different countries and we tasted their food, it was so good! We loved to learn different things and to see their art and animals. We learned about their clothes, which were bright, colourful and just beautiful. We will never forget that day!

By Erin

Library Visit

We went to Blackrock Library, it was fun! We didn’t get any books but we did learn how to borrow a book at the library. My partner and I got to sit on the bean bag in the room and after we went to the playground.

By Ivan

Sleepy Cat

Sleepy Cat is a mindfulness exercise. The creators of Sleepy Cat call sit a ‘brain break’. So you just lie on the floor and relax for about 5 minutes. 

By Beatrix

Beehive Art

We did a beehive for art. First, we painted a tree and then we painted the leaves and sticks on the tree. Then, some people painted grass on the paper. We then waited for it to dry and then we used out finger to print the bee with yellow paint. We used bubble wrap for the beehive and painted it with yellow paint. The, we used black marker for the stripes on the bee and the eyes. We used white paint for the wings.

By Anja

School Tour – Fort Lucan

We went to Fort Lucan for our school trip. It was so fun! There was the waterfall water slide, crazy golf, red water slide, a blue water slide that was called the raging river and a playground with a pirate ship as well. You were given a hurling helmet when you were playing crazy golf. We had a shed to put our bags in and we ate our lunch on the grass!

Summer Concert

1st and 2nd class did the show ‘Toby and the Caterpillar’. Junior and Senior infants did Zip-a-dee-doo-dah and other songs. 3rd and 4th did ‘Beauty and the Beast’, it was so fun!

Teddy Bear Picnic

The Green Schools organised a Teddy Bear picnic. For the Teddy Bear picnic we brought in a teddy and a picnic blanket, we ate our lunch and played a game.

We needed to bring

The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark

‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’ is a book. It’s about a little barn owl who wanted to be a day bird. His name is Plop. Each chapter, he learned more about the dark. Finally he made his decision about the dark

By Beatrix

Spring News

World Book Day

For World Book Day we all dressed up as our favourite book characters. We had great fun doing a lot of book themed activities during the day. We really enjoyed taking part in a Zoom read along with author Paddy Donnelly who read us his amazing book ‘Fox & Son Tailers’. We all enjoyed drawing our own characters afterwards.

Pyjama Day

On Wednesday, we had Pyjama Day. We all went to school in our pyjamas. Some people wore dressing gowns and slippers. It was fun to go out for break in our pyjamas. It was cool to do work in our pyjamas. We had soooo much fun on Pyjama Day.

By Iseult



In Futsal we played football. I loved playing in goals. I saved a lot. The teams were cool.

By Elliott

We also learned Irish dancing in PE. We learned how to do the dance An Dreoilín and Ballaí Luimnigh, which we loved a lot!

Trip to the Park

When it was Ms Hunter’s last day teaching us, our class went to the park. We played Tag and Among Us. We had a lot of fun.

By Oisín

Procedural Writing

In English we were learning about Procedural Writing. We discussed the importance of clear instructions and using ‘bossy’ words. Mrs Uí Shúilleabháin took us out group by group to make very tasty pizzas after we had written up our procedure in the classroom. The pizzas were delicious!



For Art we were learning about perspective. We discussed how the things closer to us are bigger than things further away. We designed fields with sheep showing perspective. We used cotton wool for the closer sheep and paint for the ones further away.

We created Easter Bunny Houses too. We drew the shape of a bunny on a sheet of paper and turned it into a house. We designed windows for the eyes and a door for the mouth. We enjoyed being very creative!

January News

Happy New Year! January was a very busy month for 1st and 2nd Class!

In Art we watched a video of the fireworks on New Year’s Eve. We used card to print fireworks. We drew cityscapes underneath.

We learned about the artist Paul Klee, and looked at his paining of ‘The Goldfish’. This was the inspiration for our art. We learned how to do Scratch Art. First, we had to colour our whole page in crayons, this was very tough work! Next, we painted the page with black paint. Finally, we used match sticks to scratch out our underwater or space scenes.

In SESE, we talked about how our ancestors predicted the weather by looking at the sky and watching the behaviour of animals. We learned a few of the sayings such as ‘Seagull, seagull sitting on the sand, it’s never good weather when you’re on land’. We illustrated them beautifully!

In RE we learned about the story of Abraham and how God always keeps his promises. We found some of God’s promises in the bible and wrote them on stars: e.g. God will always love us, He gives us comfort & He is always with us.

For PE we have been doing Gymnastics in the hall. We learned how to do lots of rolls such as the egg roll, log roll, James Bond roll and the teddy bear roll. We improved so much over the month!

We also have been doing Futsal in school, thanks to the PTA. We have a wonderful time every Tuesday playing fun warm up games and matches!

We welcomed Ms Hunter to our classroom during the month of January from DCU. She has been teaching us a lot of fun lessons in school. With Ms Hunter, we have been learning all about space, the planets and the moon. We have been making planets out of paper mâché for Art and we researched about Neil Armstrong on the iPads. In Music, we sang the song ‘I Don’t Want to Live on the Moon’ from Sesame Street. In Maths we went on a 3D Shape Hunt around the school grounds and created structures out of 3D shapes from home! In Gaeilge we did the theme Éadaí (Clothes), we have a washing line in our classroom to help remind us of all of the new vocabulary we have learned.

November News

1st & 2nd Class

Penguin Art

We did penguins in November with paint, paper, scissors and glue. I made a crown out of paper for mine and everyone’s were nice. Some had hats, earmuffs and crowns like me. Art is my favourite and I like penguins like my teacher.

By Eden


Food Pyramid

We were learning about the Food Pyramid. At the top were sweets because they are not healthy but carbohydrates are healthy.

By Jack


Science Week


In November a detective came in. We were trying to figure out who stole the Venus Diamond. We had to find fingerprints.

By Hans


Raisin Experiment

For Science Week, we did a Raisin Experiment. We got a jar and filled the jar with fizzy water to see if it would help the raisin float or not.

By Hugo

Skittle Experiment

It was Science Week and we did a cool experiment and it was exciting. We even got to eat one, I had a purple one. I was so happy.

By Sarah C


Separating Colours

We did an experiment about separating colours. These are the steps:

1.    First tape the end of each strip of filter paper to a lollipop stick.

2.   Draw a thick line in marker across each strip of paper.

We saw the colours separating when the water touched the colours

By Luke



In November we made graphs in something called Data. Data is in Maths. Miss Walker said it was like 3rd and 4th work! We did our favourite colours. I voted for blue. The colours we had were red (14), purple (5), blue (4), black (1) and green (0).

By Zoe

Decorated Tree

We made Christmas decorations for homework. I made a snowflake; we hung it up on the tree.

By Sam

Christmas Jumper Day

On Friday, the day of the Late Late Toy Show, we had Christmas Jumper Day. Some of us didn’t wear jumpers. We decorated a paper jumper and we got popcorn from the PTA and brought the popcorn home for the Toy Show.

By Nayana.

Autumn Leaves

In Autumn we made leaves. Get a piece of paper shaped as any kind of leaf, cut

it out. Get a piece of paper, put your stencil on the paper and draw and trace

around the stencil. Then get chalk and put it on the line you made. Finally

smudge the chalk with your finger.

By Cara

Hanging Bats

We started by doing a silhouette. We mixed orange, red and yellow, then we cut out our bats. We got to pick words to stick in our bats. Out options were Boo, Boo to you, Have a fang-tastic Halloween and Trick or Treat. We put googly eyes on our bats and you could draw a fang.

By Nathan

October News

Class Dojo

In October, we did Class Dojo. Class Dojo is for the whole class. If the class was good, we would get a dojo point. If we got 10 points, we could change our avatar. Everyone loves Class Dojo. You should do it.

By Max


Dressing up

At the end of October, we dressed up and got sweets, they were so good. It was really fun and everyone looked really scary. It was fun dressing up and everyone loved their costumes and everyone loved Halloween and it was so fun!

By Erin


In PE we did a game, it was a bit like rock-paper-scissors tag, where you start off as a pumpkin and then you go find another person who is a pumpkin and play rock-paper-scissors. Whoever wins turns into a bat and if you win again you will turn into a witch/zombie/ghost, we change it up every time., but if you lose you do the opposite. For example, let’s say you were a bat and you lost, you will have to turn back into a pumpkin. It was really fun! You should try it too.

By Sarah B

Halloween 2D Shapes

In October, we made Halloween pictures, but they were all 2D Shapes! There were pumpkins, witches, haunted houses and monsters too!

By Beatrix

September News

1st & 2nd Class News

Colour Wheel Umbrellas

In Art we learned about primary and secondary colours. We used the colours blue, yellow and red to mix colours to make a colour wheel in the shape of an umbrella. We drew a picture of a person holding the umbrella underneath. Using white crayons, we drew raindrops and painted over the background in blue watercolours.


PE is fun. We played Forest Fire every PE day and other games too. We do PE every Friday.

By Thomas & Ivan

Reading Buddies

In September, we started Reading Buddies. We do Reading Buddies with 3rd & 4th Class. My buddy is Emma and my favourite book is about Mo Salah.

By Nayana

Our Summer Memories

On the first day of school, we wrote about our summer memories. I wrote about my holiday in France with my family. I tried oysters and snails. We found a hedgehog in the house where we stayed.

By Zoe

The Twits

We read a story about the Twits by Roald Dahl. It was very good. Mrs Twit put worms in Mr Twit’s spaghetti. The to get Mrs Twit back, Mr twit put frogs in Mrs Twit’s bed.

By Sarah


We focused on the quote ‘If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely’. We did Art where you get yellow strips of paper and write good things about ourselves. We stuck them to a sun.

Secret Friends

Every week we get a new secret friend. Secret friends are people that we have to be kind to for a week. It is fun.

By Saoirse


Wrinkled Hearts

In SPHE and Art we learned about wrinkled hearts. We got the idea by watching a story of people getting sadder when a person says unkind things to them. We usually do Art on Wednesdays so we did Art about wrinkled hearts. We were given a heart shape out of paper and we coloured it in and we had wrinkle it.

By Anja


In September we did four weeks of yoga. It was super fun. We learned some new poses like putting our legs over our heads and doing the three-legged dog. The lady who taught us was called Elaine. We did yoga on yoga mats. We did yoga on Mondays. It was so much fun!

By Iseult