Junior & Senior Infants
May/June News
Wow! Another year is coming to an end and I am very very proud of all of the lovely learning and creativity that has been done in the Infant room over the past year.
We have had the best fun in Science making slime-it looks really cool and is all different colours!
Some Art lessons that we have done are our rainbow clouds, watery paint blow art, miniature clay figures, fingerprint star art for Father's Day lolly stick framed pictures. There are no ends to the talents in the Infant room when it comes to creativity!
With this beautiful weather we have been outdoors and enjoying the sun while exercising. Some highlights have been our Active Week where the competition was fierce! We played some very active chasing games and had a yummy ice cream to help cool off too! With our lovely school grounds we have enjoyed the Trim Trail and playing games on the grassed area.
We are sad to bid our big buddies in 6th class goodbye next week as we have had some lovely times together. We'll be all on teams with them next week for another fun inhouse sports day!
Wellbeing week was also a very lovely week -we did deep breathing, some yoga and learned about our feelings and how important they are.
We had an exciting day out in Glenroe Farm for our school tour in June.
It has been an activity filled and fun year.
Wishing you all a very happy summer break!
March News
The month of March has flown by so quickly in the Infant room.
We made some lovely cards for Miss Kelly to say a big thank you for coming to teach in BNS for her school placement.
In Maths we have been learning about sequencing stories and the pupils are very good at putting stories in the right order now. We also made a display of "heavy," and "light," items in our classroom and weighed everyday objects whilst guessing their weight.
In Six Bricks there were some cool St. Patrick's Day and Easter activities with special mats to use with them which we used and enjoyed completing.
We had a brilliant Seachtain na Gaeilge and all the Infants are talking Gaeilge everyday in school now and really enjoying it. We had some fiercely competitive games of Biongo!
We completed our submissions for the "we are writers," book that the school is doing and are very proud of our finished work.
As well as that we have learned four more letter sounds and are really enjoying the new readers that the school got to help with our reading.
We have learned a lot about the world in spring in Aistear and in SESE and celebrated Daffodil Day in school on 24th March- it was a great day to join together for.
We made shakers with our buddies for St. Patrick's day which were played and shaken through music class and we made a paper bouquet for Mother's Day to say a big thank you to all the brilliant Mums!
We had the best fun in Futsal learning to dribble, pass to each other and score goals too!
The Food Dudes week was a huge success with lots of different fruits and veggies to taste and learn about a healthy lifestyle and diet.
February News
Hello everyone!
I am Miss Kelly, the student teacher that has been teaching junior and senior infants for the month of February!
We have done lots of fun activities including exploring fabric and fibre in art (we made character masks and sock puppets!) and we also made ‘pocket hugs’ for Valentine’s day.
For SESE, we looked at houses and homes and our sense of belonging in our community. We enjoyed discussing our family members, making our own homes and imagining what we will look like in the future! We also watched a balloon inflate by itself and investigated the process of making brownies. They were yummy!
I was very impressed with the children’s creative thinking skills when writing / talking about different themes as we learned and reviewed the sounds of f, b, ai and j. Senior Infants have been filling their copies up and junior infants did a lot of cutting, sticking, and tracing practice.
We learned the song ‘When Goldilocks Went to the House of the Bears’ and explored different instruments that could represent the characters in the story. And I’m sure the children can tell you all about the puppies they have been taking care of at our veterinary office in Aistear!
Both myself and the children have learned a lot this month and I am sad to say goodbye to them. Thank you for having me in the wonderful junior and senior infant classroom and I hope that it’s not too long before I see everyone at Booterstown NS again!
January News
Happy New Year one and all!
We have had a lovely start to 2023 in the Infant room.
The Picker Pals scheme is well underway with a pupil taking the pack home each weekend to do some litter picking in their locality. There have been many bags of rubbish filled!
We have also learned a lot about weather and all the different types of weather in our world in SESE this month. We painted rainbows and coloured umbrellas in Art to link in with our weather theme. Also in SESE we learned all about space and Neil Armstrong's life and created some really cool rockets!
In Gaeilge we learned about all the different hobbies we can do and tried writing in Irish for the first time. We wrote some words and drew some pictures.
In Aistear this month our theme was 'the supermarket,' so we set up a shop with cash registers and food and did a lot of buying and selling!
In Religion and English we looked at stories from the Old Testament and the New Testament and the Senior Infants wrote about their favourite story. Their handwriting is so good now.
To end the month the Student Council held the best Bake Sale and the amount of goodies that were sold was amazing! Everyone LOVED treating themselves to the delicious goodies and money was raised for the Cancer Society and to buy some resources for school. Well done!
December News
December was a fantastically busy and fun month in the Infant room!
Our "Let's Get Active," Irish Heart Foundation programme was a huge success - everyone enjoyed all the daily activities in school and big thanks to our parents who continued the programme at home. All the pupils got a cool certificate for all of their efforts and we hope to keep up staying active to exercise our hearts each day!
We really enjoyed "Buddy Time," in December- we did a brilliant Christmas Quiz with them and Christmas Art which was great fun.
In Maths we had to concentrate really hard as we got strips of green paper in varying lengths that we arranged from longest to shortest to make a Christmas tree!
We made dotty snowmen in Art using cotton buds and displayed them outside our classroom.
In SPHE we learned all about Road Safety and sang the Safe Cross Code. We completed lots of activities in our special booklets to help us learn how to stay safe.
Our term ended with a wonderful performance in our Christmas Carol service- we sang "Born in a barn," and "Here comes Santa Claus," for the whole school community.
We had the best visit from Santa and he arrived in a Garda car which caused great excitement!
Happy New Year from us all!
November News
Straight after half term the Infants began a four week programme run by the Irish Heart Foundation called Let's Get Active! Each day we are challenging ourselves to get moving and we link in with home with an "active homework," on Thursdays!
We have been running, jumping, skipping, and dancing as well as talking about our favourite things to do that are active and how to keep our body and our heart in particular healthy. Well done to the Infants for all their hard work and energy!
For Science Week we had a really exciting time- we had a forensic workshop where we used evidence to solve the mystery of the stolen gem!
We had a wonderful visit from Adele from Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and she told us how we can save energy everyday in school and at home as well as having fun making a simple circuit!
To end the week we looked at how heat can affect chocolate and what better way than to melt some chocolate to make rice crispie cakes. It really was a super week of fun learning finished off with a cool certificate!
In Maths we have been learning all about 3D shapes and their properties. We made a display with some household objects too.
In Religion we have talked a lot about the animals in our world, how we can care for them and in particular our wonderful pets. We learned a prayer of thanks to God for our animal world and talked about ways to help endangered species.
In Gaeilge it was the theme of Bia (food) and we had lots of fun learning poems and songs with food in them!
It has been a super month in the Infant room!
October News
We had a wonderfully busy and fun filled October in the Infant room.
We learnt all about our senses in Science and the taste buds on our tongues- we particularly enjoyed trying out jellies for their sweet taste!
In English we read two spooky stories: "The witch with an itch," and "Ready, Steady, Ghost!" We drew some really creative pictures to illustrate these stories.
In Maths we had the best fun for Maths Week where we went with our big buddies on a Maths Trail and showed our big buddies how good we are at counting things outside and inside our school!
We also did some spooky Halloween Art with our big buddies.
In SPHE we learned all about safety around fire and the Gardai came in to talk to us as well.
In Religion we put together an assembly for all the school community to see and it was based on the story of "The Lost Son." We sang a hymn and said a prayer as well.
We learned lots of spooky songs in Music with Catherine and played instruments together like an orchestra!
On the last day we all dressed up and a lovely fun day together to celebrate Halloween and all our hard work!
September News
It has been a super September in the Infant room. A huge welcome to all our new Junior Infant pupils and families as well as all the new families throughout the school.
It feels like you have been here for much longer than four weeks and we are so happy to have you in our BNS community!
Our days are full of activities and the pupils have been busy learning, playing and getting to know each other!
We have met our big buddies in 5th/6th class who are so kind and have lots of fun with us at yard time! They helped us complete 2 art activities and our favourite was a fingerprint autumn tree.
We have been in the church for two assemblies and we said a whole action prayer for all the school to hear and we performed it really well as well as singing the hymns happily and enthusiastically each week.
A big thank you to the PTA for the donation that was very kindly given. We purchased some educational toys for AISTEAR time and playtime in the morning.
We made an orchestra in Music class and all had different instruments to play- we are really very musical!
On the washing line in our classroom hang the most beautiful glitter paintings inspired by "Our Five Senses."
We are learning Gaeilge really well and everyday we say "Dia duit," to each other and are learning lots of poems and action words!
We have started the Walk Tall programme in SPHE where we talk about ways to show we are a good friend and learn all about how important each one of us is.
Finally we have been really enjoying our Yoga classes with Elaine each week; we are getting so good at perfecting the poses and balancing really well.
A huge big well done to all the boys and girls in the Infant Room; I am very proud of all our achievements in one month!